Help make a difference in your community by volunteering at the Food Bank
There is no "i" in team but there's a "u" in Volunteer

Volunteers Wanted!
Come join the team at the Fort Bragg Food Bank.
Ready to make a difference in our community? Volunteer with the Fort Bragg Food Bank!
Volunteers are the heart of the Fort Bragg Food Bank. It takes a community of volunteers to make our programs successful. Last year our volunteers put in more than 12000 hours of sorting and distributing food, helping in the kitchen, keeping our warehouse clean, helping with clerical tasks, and adding to the success of our food bank.
Without a doubt, volunteers are essential in helping us make sure that our community members are well fed and the Food bank runs smoothly. There are a variety of volunteer jobs to suit all types of skills and interests. Our Volunteer & Operations Coordinator would love to hear from you and would be happy to match your skills and talents with our volunteer needs.
Volunteer Spotlight

Tristan Loofbourrow
What brought you to volunteer at the Food Bank?
I started volunteering because I wanted to help but also because I have always struggled with anxiety and was looking for a nonthreatening way to reintroduce myself to the workforce. What I found was a beautiful new family of people who really care.
Tell me a little about yourself?
I moved to Fort Bragg last year but have always had family here. I fell in love with it and the community. I have my own apartment here and hope to make it a little nicer. I recently got a Prius that I love. I have a pet Bearded Dragon named Althea that I love. I like reptiles, video games, graphic novels, books, computers, hiking. I study Computer Science and IT at Mendocino College. My parents live in Fort Bragg too and I love them very much. My goal for this year is to get a job and save money, and also to make some new friends too.
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food is pizza, all kinds. Also cheap ramen mixed with peanut butter, hot sauce, and soy sauce is good too.
Tristan you are an amazing volunteer and it is always a joy to see him around the Food Bank doing whatever is needed! Thank you for everything you do.
Thank you
Help Spread the Word

Not able to volunteer? No problem, you can still help!
• Follow us on social media and become part of our Food Bank family.
• Host a barrel drive and collect canned goods and pantry items.
• Spread the word to your friends and family about what the food bank is doing.
Anything you can do will make our organization thrive.
Thank you for your time, energy and effort!
News & Events

Welcome Back In! New Choice Pantry @ Farm Stand
Check out the Choice Pantry our new weekly food distribution experience.

NOW DAILY!! Clothing Closet Daily 11a-4p
NOW DAILY!! Clothing Closet 1am-4p l Free Clothing Available

Free Clothing Closet
To volunteer or if you have any questions about items eligible to donate please contact Lisi Martinez volunteer@fbfoodbank.org